Infocast Transmission & Interconnection Summit: June 20 – 22, 2022 in Arlington, VA
Transmission & Interconnection Summit 2022 will bring together the policymakers, senior executives and leading experts working to reimagine interconnection and transmission planning processes to meet the needs of the clean energy transition. They will address the potential solutions to generation interconnection procedure reforms, optimizing planning processes and more holistically allocating costs based on benefits yielded for both system loads and new generation.
At the event, Renewable America’s CEO Ardi Arian will moderate a panel titled “CAISO Wrestles with Massive Increases in Interconnection Requests”. With capacity margins thin, CPUC has directed LSEs to contract for much more renewable energy in the near term, driving the entry of 373 interconnection requests representing 150,000 MW in 2021, an increase from 155 requests in 2020. This massive increase from prior average of requests understandably bogged down the study process, and delayed publication of Phase 1 interconnection study results. This panel will discuss how these issues are being addressed.
The Renewable America team will be on hand at the event, and we would love to meet with you. Reach out via the link below to set up a meeting.