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Community Choice Aggregators

Energy Solutions

Enhance reliability and community development with local solar and storage.

Our solar and storage projects enable you to offer your customers the choice of local, affordable renewable energy. In our community-based approach, we aim to ensure that vulnerable and low-income populations benefit from reliable power and economic growth.

Source Local, Serve Local

We know that investing in your local community is core to your mission, so we build our projects in areas that are susceptible to wildfires and other weather events that threaten energy security. Our local microgrids stabilize power supply directly from the feeder and enhance grid resiliency at the distribution level, so you can provide your customers with continuous power, no matter what. 

With our solar and storage projects, we also commit to serving your customers by enriching the local community. Our projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions and drive investment in the economy through landowner leases and job creation. 

Designed to Meet Member Needs

We offer a diverse project portfolio that can be tailored to meet your needs. Our projects can support various customer programs, expand your renewable energy options, and help you make progress toward your Integrated Resource Plan goals. 

You can choose from solar only and solar plus storage projects in various designs; we will manage all of the project development and continued O&M in our end-to-end process. Whether through an RFP, Open Season, or a direct partnership, our projects are ready to support you in serving your customers and achieving your goals. 

Get in contact with the Renewable America team today. Click "Contact Us" to get started. 


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