Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 10 AM to 11:30 AM PST
Ramping up distributed energy resources (DERs) can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more resilient electricity grid. Community Choice Agencies (CCAs) must also meet mandated resource adequacy requirements — a reality that has become far more expensive in the past few years.
In this webinar, two DER service providers will present both grid-side of the meter and customer-side of the meter approaches that can be deployed within the existing regulatory environment that will meet CCA and state goals, reduce resource adequacy requirements, and provide greater local capacity during planned and unplanned grid outages.
A panel of CCA experts will respond to the DER provider proposals, discuss what their respective CCAs are working on to increase resilience in their service territories, and suggest what policy changes would support more rapid deployment of DERs.
Speakers will include Ardi Arian of Renewable America.