2.5 Megawatt solar facility to provide discounted electricity for over 800 income-qualified customers.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Renewable America is pleased to announce the first phase of its West Tambo Clean Power solar project was selected by the City of San José to provide clean electricity for San José Clean Energy’s (SJCE) Solar Access program. The 2.5-megawatt (DC) facility in Merced County will provide carbon-free electricity over the course of a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with SJCE. The project is expected to come online in April 2023.
“Thanks to San José Clean Energy, local solar power projects such as those under development by Renewable America will directly benefit residents in disadvantaged communities. Through the Solar Access program and Renewable America’s collaboration with SJCE, residents can opt into renewable energy even if they cannot put solar panels on a rooftop,” said Renewable America CEO, Ardi Arian.
Despite the growth of renewable energy across the United States, many utility customers remain unable to access benefits because they do not have the means to install solar. SJCE launched its Solar Access program in fall 2021 to connect these customers with off-site solar energy at a 20 percent discount on electric generation and delivery charges. Eligible SJCE customers are those that meet certain income qualifications and live in a disadvantaged community designated by the state. These areas are disproportionately impacted by environmental and socioeconomic burdens such as poverty, air pollution, or other environmental factors which contribute to asthma.
“SJCE is thrilled that local companies like Renewable America are developing solar energy resources for residents who need it most,” said Lori Mitchell, Director of San José’s Community Energy Department, which operates SJCE. “Our transition to a clean energy future can only be considered successful if it includes customers from all socioeconomic backgrounds.”
The Renewable America team is leading project development, financing, construction, and ongoing operation of the solar energy facility. This development process focuses on minimizing any environmental damage while producing low-cost renewable energy. For example, the project is planned to include the integration of pollinator-friendly vegetation to benefit the surrounding ecosystem. Furthermore, the project investment is aimed at improving public health, quality of life, and economic opportunity for local residents – including those from disadvantaged communities. At the same time, energy production will offset the need for carbon-based electricity, reducing pollution that causes climate change.
The West Tambo Clean Power project that will serve SJCE is a part of Renewable America’s pipeline of 255 megawatts of solar energy capacity and 590 megawatt-hours of energy storage. The company works closely with multiple Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) like Marin Clean Energy, Redwood Coast Energy Authority, and others across California to provide local, affordable renewable energy.
“We are thrilled to partner with CCAs across California to make clean energy affordable and accessible for their members,” said Arian. “We applaud the City of San José for their leadership in this sustainable initiative.”
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, the West Tambo Clean Power project will offset over 3,750 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. This is equivalent to taking more than 700 vehicles off the road for a year.
About Renewable America
Renewable America is dedicated to advancing critical community resiliency through optimally-sized solar and storage projects and serving communities across California, with over 255 megawatts (MW) of solar and 590 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy storage projects under development. Its projects are strategically located to provide maximum benefits to the region, while also meeting the community’s demand needs. Renewable America’s extensive services include land acquisition, project engineering, interconnection feasibility, PPA origination, financing, and construction management. For more information, visit the website at www.renewam.com.